今天Enlly 來到日月潭,遇到外面是陰天,可是來到民宿就像民宿名字所言小太陽民宿喔~!!老闆和老闆娘很熱情的款待,讓本來很害羞的Enlly開心了起來,而且本來怕生的她就和老闆娘玩了起來~!! 這兒有附設停車場讓住宿的遊客可以很安心住下來,不用擔心有停車的問題。
Today Enlly came to Sun Moon Lake, met outside on a cloudy day, but came to the B & B is like a small sun B & Bs name says Oh!!
Boss and the boss is very warm welcome, so have been very shy Enlly happy together, and had fear born of her and boss play up ~!! Here are attached parking lot to bring guests can stay at ease down, do not worry about parking problems.