南投市必玩的景點,可以吃免費的鳳梨酥和假日村民市集廣場,有街頭藝人會表演~!!Enlly 最愛那兒的高山茶配上鳳梨酥。很幸福的事,她去過很多次了,還想推廌大家再去。對了~!!假日sunnyhills 外面有兩側的農夫市場,好熱鬧,也是那兒的一個特色之一。
Nantou will play attractions, you can eat free pineapple cakes and holiday villagers Market Square, there are street artists will be performing ~!! Enlly favorite mountain where tea accompanied by pineapple cakes. Very happy thing, she visited many times, we want to push Zhi go. Yes ~!! Holiday sunnyhills out there on both sides of the farmer's market, good fun,and also one where a feature.
Lunar New Year of the Horse renewal packaging bag
SunnyHills 微熱山丘| 陽光烘熟的美點 Sunnyhills
微熱山丘| 陽光烘熟的美點